Wayne’s 500m World Record Indoor Row on June 12th, 2012. 70-79 Men’s Lightweight Class Time 1:34.2
Data from the Concept2 Monitor
Date |
Time |
Meters |
Avg SPM |
Avg Heart Rate |
Time |
Meters |
Heart Rate |
/500m |
12-06-12 |
01:34.2 |
500 |
43 |
145 |
01:34.2 |
12-06-12 |
00:18.6 |
100 |
42 |
137 |
01:33.0 |
12-06-12 |
00:18.5 |
200 |
39 |
147 |
01:32.5 |
12-06-12 |
00:18.6 |
300 |
45 |
148 |
01:33.0 |
12-06-12 |
00:19.0 |
400 |
44 |
151 |
01:35.0 |
12-06-12 |
00:19.5 |
500 |
46 |
144 |
01:37.5 |
No record is simply a solo effort. It is the result of team work, support, help and dedication from those people who contribute to make it possible. I would like to pay special tribute to my wonderful team. In particular I thank my UK coach Pete Marston for setting me some brutal training sessions, and my coach on the ground here - Tina. It has been Tina who has coxed and pushed me through every tough rowing and gym workout session, and every time trial and record attempt. You can hear her voice in the video clip!
I also thank our strength and conditioning coach Allan Trinh for pushing me into training areas I did not think possible. A special thanks to Clarence Bass who introduced Tina and I to indoor rowing back in September 2002. He has supported and encouraged me from the beginning. Clarence has just released his 10th book TAKE CHARGE (April 2013), and in it he has the story of the record row titled "Wayne Gallasch - World Record Holder at 70".
My other Albuquerque friend who has been a great support and guide in my rowing is Gabriel Candelaria. He worked hard on getting me to improve my technique. However there is still a long way to go, especially when rowing under pressure! Nutrition has also been an important factor, so thanks to Nick Jones for the brilliant Gen-Tec supplements.
My inspiration to work harder has been my friend Roger Bangay who holds more world records in the Over 70 Age Class than you could poke a stick at!
Others who have helped and supported me along the way include Lance Robson, Dick and Inga Rossan, Jerry Ginsburg, Steve Foster and Ron Ziemiecki. Plus videographer and GMV staff cameraman Ollie Parke. Last but not least we all owe a big thanks to Concept2 in Australia and USA for providing the motivation and support, and to all my friends on Free Spirits internet Rowing Club.
I owe a big thank you to all of you.
Wayne Gallasch
Click here for a video clip of this 500m WR ROW. See more video clip links, bottom of page.
Wayne & Tina at home - February 2012 after the NZ Masters Games
See the video clip here of the 500 Metres Australian Record row of 1:33.9 at age 69 in the 65-69 Class, Lightweight, on May 28th, 2012.
Wayne's Current Australian Records -
Lightweight 500 Metres Age Name State Time 60-64 Wayne Gallasch SA 1:33.2 See Video Clip 65-69 Wayne Gallasch SA 1:33.9 See Video Clip 70-74 Wayne Gallasch SA 1:34.2 See Video Clip
Lightweight 1000 Metres
70-74 Wayne Gallasch SA 3:41.6
(NOTE: Australian Records are kept in 5 year age groups, while World Records apart from the 2000m are kep in 10 year age groups.)
Wayne training at the Open Gym, Albuquerque, NM - prior to the September 2013 Olympia