I recieved the Ronnie DVD and all I can is that it is the best DVD I have ever watched. I have almost everyone made by a pro. I can say that this is my favorite. Not just because of the subject matter, but it has given me a better glimpse of what the man is like.
I thank you.
I wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy Holiday's as well as a Happy New Year, down under.
Thank you and God Bless.
Please extend my gratitude to all your staff for their hard work.
God Bless
Steve Buccilli
Dear Wayne.
You made the best video of Ronnie Coleman. Thank you so much for it and for all videos and DVDs that I purchased from GMV.
Aleks S.
Hi Wayne
Comments on Ronnie Coleman on the Road DVD by Brian P.
Ronnie always looks a picture of health in this DVD. It is incredible that he really only eats 5 times in the day, the last one being a protein shake. I also feel that what you captured was his spirit. I think that bodybuilding has changed so much psychologically and people are even sometimes embarrassed to admit this is what they are. Ronnie gave my wife and I the impression that it was like 20-30 years ago, be big and strong and be proud of being a big 'old fashioned' style bodybuilder'. His ideas and thoughts about the sport were his own and unshakeable which was quite refreshing. Apart from the excellent info we both felt this was maybe a more important point than the fact he does high reps (10 or more) and few sets.
My copy of 'Ronnie Coleman - On the Road' DVD by
www.gmv.com.au arrived yesterday and was watched last night.
The filming takes place just 5 days after his 8th Mr Olympia win in October 2005 and is shot over a few days at a hard core gym in Australia open 24/7 365. This is handy for Ronnie as he is on Texan /US time and so we see, through the windows of the gym, that it is late - as in 11pm local time when Ronnie is working out. By his own admission it's not the same as Metroflex and so while we see 315lbs bent over rows instead of 405 and 154lbs one arm rows instead of off-season 200+ it's still kept to a good pace. Ronnie is in near competition shape and as he works out any water he is holding is lost so that he gets better as he trains, this is a massive bonus.
When he is training he is also interviewed and so he explains why he does certain movements, how and the reasoning behind them. He does tend to just reply with the bare minimum and use the same platitudes as usual (ain't nothing but a peanut etc) until they give him the microphone (for his legs workout) and he does his own piece to camera and suddenly speaks at normal speed and with whole long sentences - finally coming across quite well.
I think Road to redemption is more hardcore and I love the off-season big poundage look of that DVD and the ever popular Dorian Yates - Blood and Guts but still managed to enjoy this welcome addition to my ever-expanding DVD and Bodybuilding/strength video collection. I have a few tapes from GMV in the collection and told Wayne Gallasch, owner of GMV, that this will be his number one seller (previously that honour went to Arnold - the early years) and he agreed.
It's Wayne's best work so far 8/10.
Steve Gardener, UK
(Wayne's note. Steve Gardener is a famous strength athlete in UK. Ronnie told us that he is no longer doing crazy poundages on video, or in the gym as he wants to keep on competing and not be out of action with some serious injury from doing something stupid. His 500 pounds plus shrugs in the DVD were not too shabby! More power to him and more Olympia victories!)