Male and Female Bodybuilder Photo Galleries
Cory Everson Ms Olympia Photo Gallery |
Cory Everson Ms Olympia Photo Gallery
Back to the Cory Everson DVDs and Downloads: See below
Cory Everson's Workout
Our two cameras followed Cory through 2 and a half days of shooting, in our own home town of Adelaide, South Australia. We focus on the gym workout and workout seminar, and Cory demonstrates exercise after exercise for all her fans.
This DVD shows a genuine full body Cory Everson workout.
GMV-130DVD |
Cory Everson: Ms. Olympia's Training Advice & Posing
Cory Everson visited Australia, and took time out to come to Adelaide - the home of GMV Productions. From our two days of taping we released an in-depth workout (GMV-130DVD) and the second one GMV-131DVD is centred around our interview/seminar with Cory and Jeff. It reveals the Cory everyone wants to know, and she answers all the questions you wish you could ask her yourself. It’s like a personal seminar. Where Cory gives training advice, we have shown her demonstrating the specific exercise she and Jeff are discussing. She covers diet and nutrition and much more.
GMV-131DVD |
Cory Everson - Ms Olympia's Seminar & Posing
This is DVD #1 in our series of 3 DVDs we have produced on Cory. This is the seminar DVD to judge all the others against! It's educational and entertaining throughout, and gives you the hard facts, together with humour and amusing anecdotes about bodybuilding personalities.
The charisma and charm of Jeff and Cory is sheer magic and the camera captures the special way these people relate to each other and to the audience.
GMV-041_042DVD | Photos by Wayne & Tina Gallasch, copyright GMV Productions. Other photos supplied by and copyright Cory Everson.