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1988 NABBA World Championships - The Show
Code: V-031DVD
Duration: 98 mins
Price: $29.95
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1988 NABBA World Championships: The Show

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Held in Obsteig - Tyrol, Austria on 17th September, 1988, Gary Lewer and Leisa Campbell (both of Australia) were victorious in their classes. They also held a JUNIOR CLASS for the first time (as far as we know). As such this was a brand new class in the NABBA World Championships.

This DVD brings you the complete evening SHOW for men and women, with all of the POSING routines, posedowns and awards.
Women's Physique Class 1 was won by Susanna Hauer of Austria. Leisa Campbell won Class 2 and Overall.


MR. WORLD: Hubert Rosenbichler - Austria
WOMEN'S PHYSIQUE MS. WORLD: Leisa Campbell - Australia
FIGURE MS. WORLD: Beate Plank - Austria
MASTERS OVER 40: Jim Connor - UK
JUNIOR CLASS: Leonard St. Cyr - UK

Running Time: 98 mins.

1988 NABBA World Championships - Complete Results
Obsteig, Tyrol, Austria  17th September, 1988

Overall Men's Winner: Hubert Rosenbichler - Austria
Overall Women's Physique Winner: Leisa Campbell - Australia 

Tall Class 1.
1   Gary Lewer - Australia
2   Linkie Wilson - UK
3   Owen Neil - UK
4   Manfred Salchner - Austria
5   Slobodan Blagojevic - Yugoslavia
6   Walter Stollwitzer - Austria
Peter Steiner - Austria
Jan Van Roy - Belgium
Rob Potters - Holland
Renz Vrolic - Holland
Jackson Njue - Switzerland
Sandor Farkasz - Hungary
Lionel Kearns - South Africa
Charles Lotter - South Africa
Medium Class 2
1   Claudio Mostacci - Italy
2   Simon Lancaster - UK
3   Tony Francis - UK
4   Werner Schneider - Germany
5   Peter Kutsugeras - USA
6   Rob Van Der Dussen - Holland
Heinz Schermann - Austria
Eddy Van Laere - Belgium
Ernst Gemeinhardt - Austria
Andrea Nucitelli - Italy
Atilla Deme - Hungary
Karl Hauer - Austria
Peter Zuidwyk - Holland
Short Class 3.
1   Hubert Rosenbichler - Austria
2   Peter Bosch - Holland
3   Sammy Ioannidis - Australia
4   Stefano Ciaraldi - Italy
5   Robert Wall - UK
6   Gunter Osweiler - Germany
Max Pangerl - Austria
Tibor Csepregi - Hungary
Serge Tully - France
John Danckaert - Belgium
Lance Gille - Sweden
Robert Hemon - France
Josef Adler - Austria
Terry Phillips - UK
Bruce Leong - Australia
Nardo Linkers - Holland
Edmundo Lancia - Italy
Wolfgang Weitenthaler - Austria
Enzo Giuffre - Australia
Kevin McNamara - South Africa

Masters Over 40.
1   Jim Connor - UK
2   Libero Campi - Italy
3   Nardo Linkers - Holland
4   Gustav Buresch - Austria

Junior Class.
1   Leonard St. Cyr - UK
2   Thomas Styblo - Austria
3   Cleir Salz - Germany
4   Denis Schroevers - Holland
5   Gunter Hofstadter - Austria
6   Massimo Serenelli - Italy
Enrico Salvio - France

Women's Physique Class 1.
1   Susanna Hauer - Austria
2   Roswitha Janatsch - Austria
3   Colleen Yates - UK
4   Tamara Konz - Germany
5   Klara Juhasz - Hungary
6   Viviane Dubernard - Belgium

Women's Physique Class 2.
1   Leisa Campbell - Australia
2   Tania Panza - Italy
3   Kim Knott - Australia
4   Christiane Breitenbach - Germany
5   Tatjana Scholl - Germany
6   Brigitte Dobler - Austria
Yvette Dincq - Belgium
Rina Howard - South Africa

Figure Class.
1   Beate Plank - Austria
2   Karen Titherington - UK
3   Elisabeth Resch - Austria
4   Sarah Staunton - UK
5   Claudia Wolfgruber - Austria
6   Patricia Rossi - Italy
Ida Van Vendendal - Holland
Mylene Charini - France
Jeanette Harper - Australia
Susanne Weiss - Austria
Laura Djemat - France
Mirke Witte - Holland

Please click here to see the COMPLETE RESULTS in our Year by Year Results Section.


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