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Truly the best in a crowded field, August 28, 2006
Reviewer: M. D. Canty (California)
Clarence Bass continues to prove that his methods are highly effective, sound, and simple to follow for life.

He began with 'Ripped' in the late 70s, a book targeted to bodybuilders but still one of the best books on getting lean, still applicable 30 years later. His more recent efforts Lean For Life, and Challenge Yourself are in the tradition of the work of the great George Sheehan, MD, both very motivational and very scientifically sound.

I too am a physician, and like Dr. Sheehan, am constantly on the lookout for books I can recommend to patients searching for a way to reverse the damage done by years of poor eating and lack of exercise. In the work of Mr. Bass I need look no further.

Mr. Bass combines both diet and exercise advice into a program that unlike so many others, one can truly follow for life. He emphasizes whole foods, regular aerobic and resistance exercise and motivates like no other author I have encountered. And though his methods are 'common sense' in the best meaning of that phrase, it would take one decades of trial and error to come to the program he has developed.

His books are not bodybuilding books, though following their advice will certainly lead to a muscular lean physique - they are books in the tradition of holistic health. Following his program will produce an outer appearance that is a reflection of the health within as he has proven in his descriptions of the testing he has undertaken at Lovelace Clinic in Albuquerque.

His intelligence and wit come through on every page and best of all his books are highly readable.

If I could recommend the works of just one author in my practice, Mr Bass would be that author. Do yourself a favor and buy and read all his books.
Then as the great Bill Pearl, champion bodybuilder says of Mr. Bass's work, read again!

Click here for a complete list of Clarence Bass Books and DVDs.

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