1979 Mr Olympia and 1980 IFBB Mr Universe
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This is rare film footage from the 1979 Mr. Olympia! You'll see Mike Mentzer, Frank Zane, Al Beckles, Boyer Coe, Roger Walker, Chris Dickerson, Ed Corney, Robby Robinson and many more.
It is a little known fact that MIKE MENTZER won the Heavyweight Class, yet he never ever claimed the title of being a Mr Olympia - class winner. Class winners Zane and Mentzer are pictured front cover above.
This is Version #1 from the 1979 Mr. Olympia and runs 45 mins. We released a totally different, higher quality version shot by Joel Fletcher from the 1979 Olympia. It runs for 20 mins and there are other unseen Olympia years included with it. Full details here for MR. OLYMPIA - THE GOLDEN YEARS, V-214DVD.
In the 1980 IFBB Mr. Universe held in Manila in the Philippines, see John Terilli, Hubert Metz, Jorma Raty, Gary Leonard, Richard Baldwin and many other champions. The DVD also shows some team posing and extremely brutal posedown action, plus presentations to some of the heavier classes.
This is the first known film record which features the fantastic arm display of class winner Jorma Raty of Finland. This 1980 segment runs for 15 mins.
These 2 classic contests were shot on silent film and transferred to DVD with background music added.
Total running time: 60 mins
For a totally different "long version" of the 1980 IFBB Mr Universe, shot on video with full live sound, click here for V-032DVD, 55 mins.
See complete Results below for both events.
The top 3 in the Lightweight Class: left to right, Boyer Coe, Robby Robinson and Frank Zane. See Steve Davis in the background.
1979 Mr Olympia
Overall Winner: FRANK ZANE
HeavyWeight Class
1 Mike Mentzer USA
2 Dennis Tinerino USA
3 Roger Walker Australia
4 Roy Callender UK
5 Bob Birdsong USA
LightWeight Class
1 Frank Zane USA
2 Boyer Coe USA
3 Robby Robinson USA
4 Chris Dickerson USA
5 Danny Padilla USA
6 Carlos Rodriguez USA
7 Albert Beckles UK
8 Tom Platz USA
9 Ed Corney USA
10 Steve Davis USA
1980 World Amateur Championships - IFBB Mr Universe
HeavyWeight Class
1 Hubert Metz Germany
2 Reid Schindle Canada
3 Christian Janatsch Austria
4 Karl Kainrath Austria
5 Achmed Ibrahim Egypt
6 Gary Leonard USA
LightHeavyWeight Class
1 Johnny Fuller UK
2 Bronston Austin USA
3 Keijo Reiman Finland
4 Ulf Bengtsson Sweden
5 Erwin Note Belgium
6 John Terilli Australia
MiddleWeight Class
1 Jorma Raty Finland
2 Richard Baldwin USA
3 Richard Jonker Australia
4 Doug Ross USA
5 Robert Dantlinger Czech Rep
6 Michel Dermaux Switzerland
LightWeight Class
1 Heinz Sallmayer Austria
2 Ken Passariello USA
3 Ray Beaulieu Canada
4 Esmat Sadek Egypt
5 Harry Derglin
6 Steven Newton